Why Join Us?

The General Workers’ Union (GWU) is the largest trade union in Malta. The GWU consists of members from all sectors of work. Being part of GWU means having the weight of Malta’s leading trade union behind you.

1. Access to higher-paying jobs

The GWU gets salary rises for its members year after year. Average incomes are higher in GWU-represented workplaces.

2. A more secure workplace

The GWU ensures that both health and safety procedures as well as legal obligations are being met at the workplace by the employers.

3. Greater job security

Members of trade unions are significantly less likely than non-union employees to have their employment terminated on the basis of unfair dismissal.

4. Increased work benefits

Over the years, the GWU has negotiated various benefits for its members at various jobs. Sick leave and special leave enhancements are two examples of these benefits.

5. We are against discrimination

The GWU is at the forefront of campaigning for tougher laws against discrimination on the bases of sex, ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, and religious beliefs.

6. Increased chances of obtaining equal pay

The GWU is working to eliminate the gender pay gap and put the earnings of foreign and migrant employees in line with those of local workers.

7. Family-friendly policies

In a unionized workplace, your employer is more likely to have family-friendly policies, such as parental leave and urgent family leave policies, that are better than the statutory minimum.

8. Good-quality training

The GWU provides courses to help you learn new skills as well as improve existing ones in order to develop your career. Members benefit from reduced prices for these courses.

9. Making use of our voices for good

The "Malta Council for Economic and Social Development" is a significant committee on which the GWU is represented. Within this committee, the GWU is present among other social partners, including the employers and the government. On the other hand, the GWU-youths also participate in national and international affairs with regards to youths in society. In Malta, the GWU-Youths forms part of the Kunsill Nazzjonali għaż-Żgħażagħ (KNŻ) and Internationally on the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), European Federation of Public Service Unions.

10. Your quality of life is the GWU’s priority

One's work experience has a significant impact on their quality of life. The GWU's role is to constantly work for better working conditions while also ensuring the peace of mind of its members.