The General Workers’ Union (GWU) – Youths is a Voluntary Organisation, which is affiliated and forms part of the GWU. The GWU – Youths represents individuals who are considered as youths, that is, under the age of thirty-five (35) years. The said section also participates in national and international affairs with regards to youths in society. In Malta, the GWU-Youths forms part of the Kunsill Nazzjonali għaż-Żgħażagħ (KNŻ) and Internationally on the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).
The Young Workers’ Movement was founded on the 27th of August 1944, when a rally for young workers was organised by the GWU (a year later after the founding of GWU itself). The first executive committee was held on May the 11th, 1945. Any GWU member under the age of thirty-five (35) is also automatically considered to be part of the GWU –Youths, without incurring any extra charges. GWU – Youths is formed by students, employees or unemployed youth. The youths are the driving force for change and equality, a movement which helps to promote a more inclusive and sustainable civil society. Read more...